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The purpose of our library is to give you the opportunity to learn some basic yet important information, presented in a manner that is easy to understand. The topics presented are directly related to what is called Holistic Dentistry, which is an approach to dental treatment by caring for patients' health and safety from both a conventional as well as "alternative healthcare" point of view. It is sometimes called "biological" dentistry or "biocompatible" dentistry.

Fillings - Silver Mercury
Fillings - Mercury Amount
Fillings - Mercury Toxicity
Mercury Free Fillings
Biocompatible Materials

Amalgam is the generic term applied to a variety of very similar products used in dentistry to fill teeth. Amalgam is also known as the "silver filling" (due to its shiny appearance) or the silver-mercury filling. Amalgam literally means "mixed with mercury", and in the dental sense that is true. Powdered metals and metal compounds consisting of silver, copper, tin, and zinc are mixed with about an equal weight of liquid mercury. Three different types of chemical reactions take place within this mixture. The resultant amalgam will set at room temperature, and most importantly, within a few minutes.

Amalgam has been used as a filling material for 160 years and has enjoyed the reputation of being an inexpensive, long lasting filling. The materials alone only cost about one dollar. Although the average life span of an amalgam filling is only around five years according to Dr. Leon Silverstone at the University of Colorado, some amalgam fillings have been known to last for up to 20 years.

Three times now, amalgam has been accused of initiating diseases. The first was in the 1830's, again in the 1920's, and the third time a movement started in 1973 in which more substantial information became available to determine the toxicity of the substance. Up until recently, it was felt that the mercury stayed within the filling. Now it is known that mercury leaches out every minute of the day. The average amalgam filling releases about 34 (plus-minus 2) micrograms of mercury daily.

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Fillings - Silver Mercury
Mercury comprises about 50% of the most common fillings in the world called silver-mercury amalgam. Amalgam also contains copper, tin, silver and zinc. Due to the high mercury content, it is silver colored when first placed; therefore, the name, "silver" filling. After it has been in the mouth, the mercury begins to react chemically and the resultant corrosion products are black. The blacker the filling, the more tarnish has taken place. Fillings have an electrical current, which can be measured. The higher the current, the faster mercury is being released. As of 1976, the American Dental Association (ADA) sponsored (and held the patent for) high copper amalgam started taking over the market. Mercury is released 50 times faster from high copper (around 30%) amalgam than the "conventional" amalgam of before that time.

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Fillings - Mercury Amount
How much mercury is in a filling? Currently dental amalgam fillings contain around 48 to 51% mercury by weight. Copper comes in second with the high copper amalgam now leading the markets. Copper can be from 24 to 33% of the amalgam. The higher the copper level, the faster both the mercury and copper are emitted from the fillings. If a gold crown is anywhere in the mouth, mercury comes off faster. According to university studies done by Dr. Chew, over the first two years after placement, amalgams release about 34 micrograms per filling (per square centimeter of filling exposed) per day. These tests were done on fillings sitting in pure water and tested daily.

There are many things that make mercury come out faster. As just mentioned, any other metals such as gold crowns, nickel crowns and removable bridges will increase the speed of release. Chewing foods increases the emissions dramatically. Hot liquids, like coffee, increase the release by thousands of percent, but only for 10 or 15 minutes. Abrasion from chewing gum increases the release by 1500% as published by the ADA. Abrasion during the grinding of teeth during waking or sleeping hours, called "bruxism," also releases mercury vapor. Compression of the filling from chewing releases mercury into the mouth. The electrical charge on a filling gives a hint as to how fast mercury, copper and other metals are being released. The higher the current measured, the faster the mercury release. The total amount of mercury released would be difficult to measure, but suffice it to say that the current measurements are adequate to contribute significantly to disease processes, and the actual total mercury release in a living human being with saliva (which has a much higher electrical potential with dissimilar metals than water) in a warm mouth with acidic foods, bruxism, chewing gum, eating foods and several hundred bacterial strains is greater than any of today's estimates.

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Fillings - Mercury Toxicity
Where does all of this mercury go? Into your body. Absorption of mercury from the area under your tongue and the insides of your cheeks are the fastest absorption. These areas, of course, are in close proximity to the fillings, so efficiency of absorption is great. From these tissues, the mercury can destroy adjacent tissues, or travel to the lymphatic drainage system and directly into the blood stream. From the blood stream, mercury can travel to any cell in the body, where it can either disable or destroy the tissues. Mercury can also travel directly from the fillings into the lungs, into the blood stream, and, as before described, every cell in the body becomes a valid target.

Mercury and its compounds are adept at traveling through the "lipid soluble" cell membranes. Cell membranes contain roughly 60% protein and 40% fat. Nerve cells are an exception, containing nearly 75% fat. These fat-rich membranes determine what enters the cell and what does not. Methyl mercury is oxidized into the "ionic" form of mercury. This is a very destructive form of mercury. (Its problem is that it cannot travel very far.) Methyl mercury is the most dangerous form due to its ability to travel great distances and enter all cells. After the trip, it is converted into ionic form. The ionic form is what actually disrupts internal structures and metabolic pathways that keep a cell alive and producing proteins, enzymes, hormones, etc., that are the purpose of the existence of the cell.

All of this travel and destruction is what defines mercury toxicity. It may favor nerve tissue for a destruction target, but the kidney is high up on its hit list of tissues to destroy. After these two areas, it can wreak havoc in any tissue that might get in its way. For this reason, it is difficult to devise a change in the normal chemistry of the body called a test, which would "prove" mercury toxicity. It can alter almost anything in the body; therefore, it should not be allowed to enter the body for any reason.

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Mercury Free Fillings
In Holistic Dentistry, there is an effort to find biocompatible materials to reduce the potential for toxicity. Silver mercury "amalgam" fillings are avoided due to toxicity concerns. Amalgam removal and replacement with natural-looking bonded materials is the standard.

Old mercury fillings have cracked and leaking edges, meaning that liquids and food are going to invade the internal part of the tooth, creating new decay. Metal free biological restoration used in holistic dentistry are providing by far a better marginal seal that will prevent leaking and also will strengthen the tooth floor adding fluoride to dental structure. New esthetic materials are strongly bonded to the tooth. The resulting restoration restores not just function and beauty, but returns most of the original strength of the tooth.

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Biocompatible Materials
Over the years as dentistry has evolved, there have been a growing number of options available for repairing teeth. The goal of dentistry has always been to develop materials that would simulate natural tooth structure as closely as possible, in both appearance and physical properties, and avoid any potential harmful side effects.

In addition to concerns of biocompatibility, when choosing a restoration we have to consider the size of the defect that is being repaired, the function of the tooth, and the biting surface involved. Strength, durability, and cosmetic acceptability are all considerations when choosing a restorative material.