The cost we provide to you is an estimate for planning
purposes. It will be given to you during the first appointment
after X-rays have been taken and interpreted. During
treatment, it is sometimes necessary to change the treatment
plan. If so, this may cause changes in the fees.
If you need to delay your treatment
for any reason, the fees charged would be the fees current
at the time treatment is restarted. This means that
if the costs of lab materials have increased since we
provided the original estimate, then the fees would
need to be adjusted accordingly.
will always discuss changes with you and will
not proceed without your consent.
We accept cash and checks only. Payment is due
when the service is rendered. If you need to inquire
about payment plans, please let us know. No interest
will be charged if the balance is paid within
the specified time period. |

goal is to provide you with excellent function,
phonetics, and aesthetics so that you can feel free
to laugh out loud. |